Are you looking for weight loss and wants to go on a ketogenic diet.
Well in that case you have come to the right place here I’ll brief you about
Keto diet (ketogenic diet) to give you an idea of what exactly it is and is it safe or not.
Along with Foods which you can take or which you must avoid in this diet.
So, Let’s get started …

Keto diet which is a short form of the ketogenic diet is all about a low carbohydrate diet in the world of dieting.
It contains that much low carbs that people often feel that is it safe or not to follow this keto diet.
How it is different from other diet plans?
Is it safe to be on a keto diet?
Does it help to lose weight in a good way?
So, these are some kind of questions we have come across which people asks in a fit lifestyle community-related to ketogenic dieting.
You will surely get the results if you apply your efforts and adjustments. It will gonna be worth it once you try the keto diet.
Professional doctors, celebrities do suggest ketogenic diet plans and tips for weight loss.
Its recommended by us for long term better health and weight loss.
It’s simple as that, by cutting your carbs or moving to low carb and consuming healthy fats for energy
in day to day life will lead to good results in losing weight.
Let’s discuss in details about the ketogenic diet and its safety –
A ‘ketogenic‘ or ‘keto‘ diet named like that because in this type of diet our body generates a fuel named ‘ketones‘ to run the body as an energy source. In this keto diet, our body gets short in sugar level – glucose which is used as a fuel in our body, So here ketones comes into the picture and run as an alternative of glucose.
These ketones are produced from body fats by our liver when we consume low carbs in the diet.
These ketones then serve as a fuel source throughout the body, especially for the brain.
As Brain consumes most of the energy every day in our body and It can only run on glucose – or ketones.
Till now, you might have know keto diet as low carb diet However you might not know that keto the diet was originally invented for epilepsy patients.
Many doctors and researchers have found in the past that this type of fasting treated seizures in patients having epilepsy.
Keto diet helps our body to speed up the metabolism and starts burning fat stores instead of stockpiling them.
Keto dieting convinces your body that it’s fasting, triggering it to burn fats.
So, overall in your diet, you consume healthy fats and cut out nearly all carbohydrates to begin ketogenic dieting.
You will reach a point called ‘ketosis’ if you follow the keto diet for a few weeks.
And your body starts to burn ketones for energy in your blood while being in ketosis.
Who can follow the keto diet?
Mostly, anyone who is suffering from their weight and the medication habits can follow this keto diet in their routine.
This can apply to a diverse range of audiences. However, it is preferable to keep the children away from this.
As they can follow but under a doctor’s supervision in dieting.

It is proven that people who are facing difficulty managing diseases are not the only ones who can benefit from a ketogenic diet.
Those who are suffering from overweight and struggles to lose weight can jump- start to lose weight by following a keto diet.
This diet includes 30 grams of carbohydrates on daily basis, with a nutrition level of 20% saturated fat and 80% polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat.
It is studied that over 24 weeks on a keto diet. People have experienced lowered blood glucose and is safer for a longer period as well.
Is ketogenic dieting safe?

The answer you are looking for is ..
Yes, as there are many professional doctors and writers out there who have written that there is no harm in following ketogenic dieting.
In fact, ketogenic dieting can resolve many problems in the human body.
These are few examples which have been resolved by professionals using the keto diet –
- Bipolar disorder - Patients who were suffering from bipolar disorder for years have shown major improvements after being on a ketogenic diet as compared to before while using medications.
- Epilepsy - Epilepsy is another disease that is compatible with the ketogenic diet. As many physicians have used this diet for the treatment of patients showing improvement results.
- Weight loss - The major benefits of keto dieting is weight loss for those who are suffering from overweight. As a result, it reduces the high blood sugar resulting in weight loss. Keeping in mind, the keto diet is not as easy as it sounds, it requires changes in routine diet and can get uncomfortable in the beginning stages.
- Heart disease - The ketogenic diet can improve risk factors like body fat, HDL cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood sugar
- Cancer - The diet is currently being used to treat several types of cancer and slow tumor growth
- Acne - Lower insulin levels and eating less sugar or processed foods may help improve acne Headaches and fatigue are the most common things found in people following a keto diet. As many people suffer from 'carb flu' in the beginning stages of the keto diet. It happens because our body is adjusting itself from a lack of carbohydrates which it used to have before.
Types of the ketogenic diet
In general, there are several types of ketogenic diets like –
- High-protein ketogenic diet: This diet includes more protein in it as the name suggests. The ratio of diet includes 60% fat, 35% protein and 5% carbs.
- Standard ketogenic diet (SKD): It is basically known as a high-fat diet that involves moderate protein intake, low carb, and high fats in the diet. The ratio includes 75% fat, 20% protein, and only 5% carbs.
- Cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD): This diet includes high carb refeed days from time to time on a period basis such as 2 high carb days followed by 5 keto low carb days.
- Targeted ketogenic diet (TKD): It involves adding more carbs to diet only prior to or after workouts.
NOTE – Cyclical and targeted ketogenic diets are advanced methods of dieting and usually used by bodybuilders and athletes. However standard and high – protein diet is used extensively.
Foods to avoid on a keto diet

Any food having Low carb are allowed to eat otherwise high carb foods must be avoided.
Here’s a list of food items that you should avoid while on the keto diet –
- Sugary foods: Soda, fruit juice, smoothies, cake, ice cream, candy, etc.
- Grains: Wheat products, rice, pasta, cereal, etc.
- Fruit: All fruit, except small portions of berries like strawberries.
- Beans or legumes: Peas, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc.
- Root vegetables and tubers: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, etc.
- Diet products: These are highly processed and often high in carbs.
- Some sauces: These contain sugar and unhealthy fat.
- Unhealthy fats: You should limit your intake or try avoiding processed vegetable oils, mayonnaise, etc.
- Alcohol: Due to their high carbs content.
All these food items must be avoided in ketogenic dieting as these involve high carbs and sugar content with unhealthy fats which is against ketogenic dieting.
Instead here are some food items which you can consume while dieting.
Food to take in keto diet

You should prepare your meals considering these items –
- Meat: Red meat, steak, ham, sausage, bacon, chicken, and turkey.
- Fatty fish: Such as salmon, trout, tuna, and mackerel.
- Eggs: Look for pastured or omega-3 whole eggs.
- Butter and cream: Look for grass-fed when possible.
- Cheese: Unprocessed cheese.
- Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, etc.
- Healthy oils: Primarily extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil.
- Avocados: Whole avocados or freshly made guacamole.
- Low-carb veggies: Most green veggies, tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc.
- Condiments: You can use salt, pepper, and various healthy herbs and spices.
Thanks for reading guys. If you like this article or you have any questions regarding this please put that in the comments section below.
Feel free to reach out to us on social media.

Hey, y’all! I’m Akshay!
I’m SO excited you’re here! I’m super passionate about nutrition and specialize in teaching others how to lose weight through healthy, low-carb eating along with Yoga and exercises. Here at Yourfitnessgoal, we believe in quality over quantity and that diet is EVERYTHING when it comes to your health and well-being. In short, we believe in a Fit and healthy lifestyle.