Some people divide upper- and lower-body training into distinct weeks. You can rest one set of muscles while exercising another, and you won’t miss a single gym session. In these, leg and arm workouts you will get all the effective movements you need to perform.
Focus on complex exercises that train numerous muscle groups at once if you don’t work out regularly or want to feel the burn everywhere every time you put on sportswear. Training legs and arms same day is one of those complex exercises.
The exercises below are ideal since they simultaneously engage your leg and arm workouts.
You need to repeat these moves 3 times with 10 reps each set and can maintain the rest of 2 minutes between different exercises. 30-40 second rest should be feasible between sets.
If you think that these exercises for arms and legs without equipment, you are in the wrong place. As in this arm and leg workout plan we are going to use weights as dumbbells specifically.
leg and arm workouts with Equipment
In this session we will going to train leg and arm workouts with weights and here we require two pairs of dumbbells are required (one medium and one heavy, 8 to 25 pounds).
If you’re new to weightlifting, modify this program by using light dumbbells (three to six pounds).
Complete the activity below after a five-minute dynamic warmup, being sure you move with proper form. Stretch out your arms, lower back, hips, and legs with some yoga practice.
Arm and leg workout plan –
Repeat these 3 moves 3 times: | |
Dumbbell chest press | 10 reps |
Weighted glute bridge | 10 reps |
Wide biceps curl | 10 reps |
REST | 2 minute |
Repeat these 3 moves 3 times: | |
Upright row | 10 reps |
Dumbbell deadlift | 10 reps |
Upright row with deadlift | 10 reps |
REST | 2 minute |
Repeat these 3 moves 3 times: | |
Shoulder to overhead press | 10 reps |
Dumbbell squat | 10 reps |
Thrusters | 10 reps |
REST | 2 minute |
Dumbbell chest press
In this leg and arm workouts, you need to grab a pair of dumbbells with the weight which you can carry easily and gradually increase the weight by sets.

- Pick up a set of dumbbells and hold them in front of your sides with an overhand grip. Standing with your knees slightly bent and your feet shoulder-width apart is a good way to start.
- Lower your torso to virtually parallel with the floor by bending at the hips and knees.
- Allow your arms to hang down in front of your knees and shins as much as possible. Make sure your back is in a neutral position and that it is not rounded. Slowly and steadily lower yourself into the desired position.
- Stand up straight without changing the shape of your back from this position. Famatumi suggests tightening your glutes and straightening your legs while pushing through the ball and heel of your feet.
Weighted glute bridge
This is a very good exercise for legs in this leg and arm workouts.

- Grab a medium to heavy dumbbell; a starting weight of 20 pounds is ideal. This exercise can also be done only with your body weight.
- Lay on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor on your yoga mat. Make sure your feet are beneath your knees rather than in front of them. Put the dumbbell on your lower abs (below your belly button and above your hip bones).
- Raise your hips to the ceiling while contracting your abs and squeezing your buttocks. From your shoulders to your knees, you should form a long diagonal line with your body.
- Hold for three seconds, making sure your spine is not rounded and your hips are not sagging. Maintain abdominal and buttocks engagement.
- Lower yourself to the ground; this counts as one rep.
- Three sets of 12 reps should be completed.
- Begin incorporating this exercise into your weekly regimen two to three times. Advance to the barbell hip thrust once you’ve mastered this movement pattern.
Wide biceps curl
Such arm exercises you need to perform with proper form and is very effective exercise in this leg and arm workouts.

- Stand with your feet as wide apart as your hips, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
- Allow your arms to fall to your sides, palms facing forward.
- Pull in your abs, stand tall, and bend your knees slightly.
- Curl both arms in front of your shoulders.
- Return the dumbbells to their original positions gradually.
Upright row
In this leg and arm workouts exercise you need to stand with your legs at a comfortable distance apart, about shoulder-width.

- Hold a barbell or dumbbells in your hands and hang them in front of you at arm’s length. The palms of your hands should be facing your body.
- Adjust your grip such that your hands are about in line with your thighs while standing up straight. For wrist and shoulder safety, keep your hands shoulder-width apart (no closer).
- Inhale deeply and tighten your abs, keeping your back straight, chest high, and eyes forward.
- Lift the barbell straight up to your chin, keeping the bar tight to your torso and leading with your elbows. During the exercise, exhale. Your arms should be parallel to your shoulders and no higher. It’s okay if it’s a tad less.
- At the top of the lift, take a breather.
- As you lower the barbell, take a deep breath in.
- Rep the maneuver as many times as you want.
Dumbbell deadlift
In this leg and arm workouts, you need to grab a pair of dumbbells with the weight which you can carry easily and gradually increase the weight by sets.

- Pick up a set of dumbbells and hold them in front of your sides with an overhand grip. Standing with your knees slightly bent and your feet shoulder-width apart is a good way to start.
- Lower your torso to virtually parallel with the floor by bending at the hips and knees.
- Allow your arms to hang down in front of your knees and shins as much as possible. Make sure your back is in a neutral position and that it is not rounded. Slowly and steadily lower yourself into the desired position.
- Stand up straight without changing the shape of your back from this position. Famatumi suggests tightening your glutes and straightening your legs while pushing through the ball and heel of your feet.
Upright row with deadlift
In this leg and arm workouts exercise, you need to perform upright row and deadlift together which will give you amazing pump.

- Stand with an overhand grip on a pair of dumbbells in front of you. Maintain a slight bending of the knees.
- Hinge forward with your hips while maintaining your knees bent.
- Lower the weights while keeping them close to your legs. Move as far down as possible without rounding your back (about mid-shin or slightly lower).
- As you return the dumbbells to their initial position, brace your core and clench your glutes.
- Pull the weights straight up the front of your body toward your upper chest once you’re back in starting position.
- When you reach the apex of the movement, about six inches behind your chin, your elbows should be pointed up.
- Slowly return the dumbbells to their starting position. This brings us to the end of one rep.
Shoulder to overhead press
This exercise is very important to add in your circuit and is very effective in this leg and arm workouts.

- Maintain a straight back and stand tall.
- With an overhand grip, hold a dumbbell in each hand at the shoulders. Knuckles should be facing up and thumbs should be on the inside.
- Exhale as you raise the weights above your head in a controlled motion. At the apex of the motion, pause.
- While inhaling, return the weights to the shoulders.
- A rep for an additional eight to twelve times if desired.
Dumbbell squat
In this leg and arm workouts exercise, you need to perform squats with using dumbbells and use dumbbells with the weight which you can carry comfortably as form of movement matters more then the weight.

- Each shoulder should have a dumbbell resting on it, with the dumbbell end pointing front.
- Place your feet roughly as wide as your hips.
- During the exercise, keep your heels firmly planted on the floor and do not allow them to raise.
- Abdominal muscles should be braced. You can spot these by coughing or faking to clear your throat. In the stomach area, you will sense the “abs” tightening automatically.
- Stand tall and balanced, shoulders drawn back.
- As you begin to bend your knees and lower your body, point your butt backward. Make this a conscious decision. You’ll be off to a good start with the squat if you focus on the butt backward movement. When descending or returning to the starting position, do not arch your back forward.
- Lower yourself to the point where your thighs are parallel to the floor. It’s fine to go less than the complete distance until you’ve perfected your form.
- To straighten your knees and hips and return to a standing position, press into your heels. Keep your chest tall to keep your back in a neutral position.
In this leg and arm workouts exercise, you will perform shoulder overhead press and squats together using dumbbells.

- Hold a barbell with an overhand grip and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Hands should be shoulder-width apart as well.
- Pull your shoulders down and back. Maintain proper spinal alignment.
- Maintain a slight bending of the knees. Please don’t lock them.
- Your feet should be positioned beneath the bar.
- Slowly raise the barbell above your shoulders or to your collarbones.
- Bring your elbows under your shoulders or forward.
- As you carefully lower your body into a deep squat position, engage your core and broaden your chest.
- If you’re flexible enough, lower your glutes below parallel to the ground, as if you’re sitting.
- For added stability, engage your core and slightly turn out your knees.
- As you rapidly and powerfully explode back to standing, press your heels and outside of your feet into the floor and push your elbows up.
- Engage your glutes, press your heels into the floor, and extend the bar above once your hips are nearly in alignment for standing.
- Straighten your arms and extend your head forward until your ears touch your biceps.
- Bring your head and arms back into alignment.
- Lower the bar to collarbone height and repeat in a continuous motion.
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Hey, y’all! I’m Akshay!
I’m SO excited you’re here! I’m super passionate about nutrition and specialize in teaching others how to lose weight through healthy, low-carb eating along with Yoga and exercises. Here at Yourfitnessgoal, we believe in quality over quantity and that diet is EVERYTHING when it comes to your health and well-being. In short, we believe in a Fit and healthy lifestyle.