Looking at the beach bodies on TV series or a movie, we all have wondered to get that physic or shape once in a lifetime …
Don’t we?
Then we search for the knowledge which can get us that body we want.
So if you are looking for something like that well then this is the right post for you.
Before we jump into details about how you can get abs through diet and exercise, we want to share something which you need to take care of if you want to get into this.
‘If you want to improve your core then you have to improve your stomach‘.
By that, we mean that the quote ”abs are made in the kitchen” is 100% true. As if you wish to get those core to be hard and abs to pop out then you have to maintain your diet as per that.
If you exercise a lot and hit the abs perfectly in your workout and on the same side your diet is all messy and you literally eat anything at any time.
Then hard to say this won’t help in any way. You will remain the same until you eat healthy and clean.
It’s the exercise along with a diet that makes your body transform if done both right.
Alone non of these can help you doesn’t matter if you follow anyone of them correctly.
As you must have heard consistency is the key, well it actually is so once you drop your belly fat then your abs might starts to show a little.
There you have to keep your mind focused as many people set back as relaxed and didn’t follow the diet properly resulting in gaining the weight back again.
Protip – Once you lose some weight with your diet you can add some changes to your meals by modifying a little so as to keep that burned weight away.
If you are also the one who is hoping to get abs overnight, then keep this in mind just like no one will get fat overnight, no one can get abs overnight too.
As I said, to get that core shape with abs popping up you have to maintain a proper diet along with exercise.
Here I’ll show you what are these effective exercises you can do to get your core tight and ripped.
1. Plank

If you have ever think time runs faster, then try planking for at least 1 minute you will count each second to run slow.
Planking is such an effective exercise to tighten your core and burn belly fat.
Basically, it’s an exercise to make hardcore abs.
To do this exercise, you have to lay down on the ground facing downwards and put your toes extended and arms in a pushup position in straight shoulders length.
Try holding this position for 30-45 – 60 and so on.
Increase the time limit as your strength increases.
As if you are a beginner you can start with folding your arms and bending your knees and increase your strength by performing this exercise daily.
Always challenge yourself to reach an upper level in terms of strength.
Once you get a hold of this exercise you can add on variations to this exercise with twisting hips, mountain climbers, etc.
2. Bicycle crunch

The bicycle crunch is a way to go exercise for defining abs along with obliques.
It gives a nicer stretch to core muscles along with sides.
To do this exercise, you have to lay down on the ground facing up then put your hands below your ears so as to give the body full stretch during the workout.
Pull your right leg up along with touching your left-hand elbow by squeezing the core and stretching the right leg then perform this for another side as well.
Follow this bicycle exercise for 15 reps for the beginners and 30 reps for intermediates and above.
Increase the reps as per your strengths from time to time to get more benefits out of this exercise.
3. Leg lifts
This is an effective exercise for hitting the lower abs and giving a proper stretch to the core.
To perform this exercise you have to lay down on the ground on your back and put your hands below your butt.
Close your legs together and bring them up slowly and then take them down in the same motion. Don’t touch the floor while taking legs down, hold a little above, and move back up.
Do at least 10 reps in the beginning and increase it as per your strengths.
4. HIIT cardio

High-intensity interval training is most effective than an hour of slow training with a maximum gap in-betweens.
Also to burn fat fast and define the abs we should involve cardio sessions in our training at least twice a week.
Make sure your HIIT cardio exercise involves movements of all body parts so as to burn overall body fat.
5. Toe touch crunches

This exercise is most effective for upper abs.
To do this exercise you have to lift your both legs up and hold them in the air, Keeping your back firm with the ground and try to touch the toes by bending your upper body upwards.
It’s okay if you are not able to touch the toes, go higher as possible to squeeze your core as much as you can.
Try doing 10 reps for the beginners and increase the reps as you gain strength slowly.
6. Russian twists

That works great for obliques and sides.
To do this exercise you have to lift your legs in a bending position slightly up from the ground and at an angle of 45 degrees and rotate your arms with your core to the left and then to the right.
Make a sure note to do the rotation in fast motion, instead, do it smoothly and slowly to get the full stretch.
DO this exercise 10 sides each side and increase the reps as per your strength.
Key factors in how to get abs faster -
It frustrates us the most when we put in our efforts and results won’t show up, right?
So, If you are putting your all efforts and still not facing results then try focusing on these key terms to get faster abs results.
- Drink plenty of water - It will help you in burning calories and keeping your body clean from inside by flushing out all the toxins.
- Increase your protein intake - It helps in recovering your body quickly from a workout and will keep you active all day long.
- Consume more fibers - It will keep your stomach full and are also less in calories so as to maintain your appetite.
- Avoid junk food - It will affect your body from inside and are highly deceptive foods .Eating these will make your body worse.
- Reduce Sugar intake - It will help in burning fat easily and also to maintain a low-fat body. Eating sugar will leads to storing fat cells in the body.
- Low carb diet - Eating fewer carbs will help in maintaining the definition of abs. As high carb diet will lead to a fluffy stomach.
- Do intermittent fasting - It will help you in burning fat easily alongside eating as per diet in intervals.
Try following these exercises and tips to get the results for sure and stick to it for a healthy lifestyle.
Do leave a comment if you enjoy this article on how to get abs faster and if you have any questions then please leave a comment below.

Hey, y’all! I’m Akshay!
I’m SO excited you’re here! I’m super passionate about nutrition and specialize in teaching others how to lose weight through healthy, low-carb eating along with Yoga and exercises. Here at Yourfitnessgoal, we believe in quality over quantity and that diet is EVERYTHING when it comes to your health and well-being. In short, we believe in a Fit and healthy lifestyle.