I use the Beach Body Hip Hop Abs DVD fitness program.
There. I said it
I’m a guy, but this hip hop ab looked a little girly. I felt a little silly when I bought the Hip Hop Abs Workout DVD and wrote the review. After completing Insanity Training and Body Beast, Hip Hop Abs Review seemed a bit of a step back, but a friend of mine discovered Hip Hop Abs DVD Workout and gave it a try to see what results in she could achieve. I wanted to try it. I thought I’d try it next to her.
I think she also liked the idea of learning dance moves.
What are hip hop abs?
Hip hop abs have been around for a while now. This was Shaun T’s first DVD for Beach Body, well before he embarked on his insane workout-to-fat-loss journey.
Hip Hop Abs uses a variety of exercises. All of these are designed to give you a cardio workout while also strengthening your abs by doing long-standing isometric crunches. Then a series of (kind of) dances transitions into a rather cheesy hip-hop music track.
The marketing language claims that:
“Get flat, sexy abs without ever doing crunches or sit-ups.”
“Shawn T’s revolutionary Tilt, Tuck & Tighten technique shapes hot abs without hitting the floor. Easy to learn his moves even if you’ve never danced before at Sean’s Fun Party. and get a toned and sexy body!!
It’s all about doing the exercise while contracting your abs in a “bend, flex, squeeze” position. This can be tricky to do at first, while you’re learning all the moves as well.
What Do You Get In The Hip Hop Abs DVD Pack?
Hip Hop Abs DVD 1
- Secrets to flat abs
- Fat burning cardio
- Cardio groove
Hip Hop Abs DVD 2
- Ab sculpt
- Total body burn
- Last minute abs Learn to dance: Take it to the dance floor
Hip Hop Abs DVD 3
- Hips, buns, and thighs
- Last minute buns
- Learn to dance: Hip hop groove
Get Started Success Guidebook
- Introduction to Hip Hop Abs
- Instructions on how to prepare, track and complete the workout program
Measurement Tracker
Male and female body measurement and weight charts to track your progress
Hip Hop Abs 4-Week Workout Schedule
This is the 6-days-a-week workout schedule that you follow to make gains
Also checkout, 7 day workout plan
6-Day Slimdown Guide
- Intense nutrition guide to kick-start your weight loss
- 5 meals per day eating plan
- 6 days of healthy portion-controlled eating
- How to estimate your body fat percentage
Step By Step Nutrition Guide
- 6 steps to transforming your body through nutrition and training
- Controlling portions and calories
- Calorie deficit equation:
- work out how many calories you need
- Tips for choosing foods
- Michi’s Ladder (a guideline for healthy nutrition)
Results On The Run Booklet
Best and worst menu choices at fast food restaurants
Foods to enjoy and avoid at:
- Arby’s
- Burger King
- McDonald’s
- Pizza Hut
- Subway
- Wendy’s
- Italian
- Chinese
- Japanese
- Mexican
I was really surprised to see this leaflet in the pack. This is an exercise program, and sound health and fitness don’t come from putting in a month or two of work and chowing down on junk food at the same time. Health and fitness are about a total lifestyle, so you should ditch junk food completely.
Anyway, I won’t touch on that sort of thing—it does you no good. avoid.
Oh, you get a tape measure too!
Do hip hop abs work?
There’s a big problem with the hype about spot fat reduction. Fat cannot be broken down locally. It originates from the body depending on where the bulk of the fat cells are located. You can’t focus on sit-ups to make your belly smaller.
However, this program is not about spot fat reduction. It combines aerobic exercise with long isometric crunches to strengthen your abs (keep them tight throughout the exercise). You can also dance a little. Due to the nature of the exercise, it’s not as intense as a crazy workout or body beast session, but it did make me sweat and get my heart rate up.
It’s fun, but you need to exercise correctly and eat healthily to see results.
After about two weeks of hip-hop ab training, he noticed:
Increased muscle definition with fat loss and muscle building especially in legs, shoulders, and abs
Improved coordination and balance
Dance skill up
The training plan has some core routines, but it does include some fairly complex movements, so it never got boring. The more iterations of the program, the better it got.
I barely broke a sweat during my first hip-hop sit-up session. I was a little disappointed and thought it wouldn’t be such a great workout. But in the sessions that followed, I sweated.
This is because the more you get used to the movement, the more you can focus on “tilting, pinning, tightening.” The more I did the exercises, the more value I was able to extract from them.
I am sure you will experience the same. The more you train for it, the more difficult it becomes. This felt a little strange after Insanity, but this one was the opposite. At the start of the insane workout, I gasped and had to take many breaks.
Many people with experience in cardio training would probably view hip-hop abs as a joke or low intensity, but they are not. If you push yourself and push these exercises and tone your core, you can get a very decent workout with Hip Hop Abs. you have to make an effort
Like any fitness program, if you want to see results, you have to put in the effort and stick with the program. However, the ones offered as alternatives are pretty packed.
I train 6 days a week. Some sessions are only 20 minutes long, but you should still apply and attend.
This program gets you going and has exercises that target your abs and give you a good workout. The only problem is sticking with it long enough to get the promised results. There are not enough people for the job.
Hip hop abs workout
length: 24 minutes
Ab Sculpt contains some really weird core strengthening exercises that are a little hard to understand at first. The moves are complex and it took me a few sessions before I could send them properly and focus on getting everything right. It’s very easy to understand with a little practice, but to get the most out of it, you have to work hard and stay focused.
Ab Sculpt worked my core and I felt quite a burn even with aerobic exercise.
Towards the end of the session, there are several exercises in the C-Sit position that drop the cardio component and focus on strengthening the abs.
Insane workout fans can watch Tanya “The Machine” practice with other users. great.
fat burning aerobic exercise
length: half an hour
Fat-burning cardio is a full-body workout and arguably the most physically demanding workout in the package. It will make you sweat more and energize your whole body.
When I first did this workout, it didn’t do much, but as I completed the moves, my arms and back burned. This session is a high point.
Hip buns and thighs
length: 25 minutes
Go ahead and tighten your butt and thighs and use more static, repetitive movements. It’s still cardio, but you’ll feel a certain burn as you isolate certain muscle groups.
Squats, various lunges, and leg raises are performed in this session. Despite focusing on specific muscle groups, you’re still moving and somehow having fun.
This was probably the girliest session, so I have to do some manly things later, like dismantling a bike engine or chopping down a tree with a chainsaw. Whole body burns
length: 42 minutes
This is the longest and possibly the most difficult workout in the program and is very similar to fat-burning cardio, except it focuses more on the lower body.
thighs and lower abdomen.
This workout has given you a good cardio workout, so try to get as much of it as possible.
More hip hop abs options
As with his four major sessions on the DVD, there are also some quick sessions to use if you don’t want the full session but want some benefit.
There are also some darker dance move sessions filmed in nightclubs. These teach you specific dance moves to bring to the dance floor, though some of them are a little cheesy.
Hip-Hop Abs: Conclusion
If you love dancing, want to exercise in a fun way, and want to tone and lose fat, try hip-hop abs. If you can get off the couch, exercise every day, and switch to a healthier diet that makes you feel better, it’s worth it.
As I always say, you need breaks in your training program. At least two months a year he should not train. This way everything stays fresh and keeps you interested
Hip Hop Abs might just be another way to keep things a little different and fresh.
Strengthen your core and lose fat, but only if you put in the effort. Also, it doesn’t make sense to just train your abs and ribs. If you don’t force yourself to do cardio, your toned core and six-pack will stay hidden under fat. As I said before, you can’t just partially reduce fat, so work hard and get results!
If you have the money to spend and are willing to work six days a week, jump in and do your best please give me. Become a Dance I enjoyed the session and learned some new dance moves and continued to grow.
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Did you complete this training? Please tell me how you got in. I would love to hear from you. what is your favorite exercise? Also, have you ever been overwhelmed? please let me know!

Hey, y’all! I’m Akshay!
I’m SO excited you’re here! I’m super passionate about nutrition and specialize in teaching others how to lose weight through healthy, low-carb eating along with Yoga and exercises. Here at Yourfitnessgoal, we believe in quality over quantity and that diet is EVERYTHING when it comes to your health and well-being. In short, we believe in a Fit and healthy lifestyle.