Below is the routine you need to follow for the body beast bulk shoulders workout.
Equipment to be used
- EZ Curl Bar with Weighted Plates
- Bench
- Dumbbells
Focus muscle
Workout for deltoid hypertrophy (muscle growth)
To target all three deltoid muscles, Bulk Shoulders use Progressive Sets and Super Sets. This body beast bulk shoulders program doesn’t include any trap isolation movements, but you’ll need them at this point because they’ll be used in a lot of the other exercises. Working out my shoulders usually causes the greatest discomfort for me, and the discomfort begins during the first set and lasts until you stretch at the conclusion. Raising your arms will be excruciatingly painful by the time you’ve finished with this beast. There are 303 reps in all, with 60 seconds of ab burnout.
Body beast bulk shoulders workout includes a warm-up that precedes 5 sets of the main workout, a Super Set, a Progressive Set, another Super Set, a Progressive Set, and a final Super Set.
Warm-up session
Because the warm-up is just 2:49 long, make the most of it. It has the identical motions as the warm-up in Build Shoulders, which is the most difficult of all the warm-ups in my opinion. You begin by jogging quickly. Then do forward and backward arm circles.
After that, you’ll do some warm-up reps of front raises, wide front raises (V shape), lateral raises, overhead press, upright rows, and reverse delt raises with your light weights (make sure they’re light). We finally put the weights down and resume our jogging.
1. Arnold Press & Lateral Raise Super Set
Arnold Press & Lateral Raise Super Set The Super Sets in body beast bulk shoulders are structured as follows: a set of 15 reps with a lightweight of exercise 1, followed by a 15 repetitions with a lightweight of activity 2, followed by a quick pause.
Then execute a set of 12 reps with a medium weight of exercise 2, followed by a set of 12 reps with a medium weight of exercise 2, no rest, a set of 12 repetitions of exercise 2 with a medium weight and a brief break. Finish with a set of 8 repetitions with the heavyweight of exercise 1, followed by a set of 8 reps with the heavyweight of exercise 2 with no break in between.
If there is a Drop Set, you will immediately perform another set of 8 repetitions of that exercise with fewer weights, with no rest in between. In this case, the Arnold Press is used to perform the Drop Set. The Lateral Raises are the same ones we performed in Build Shoulders, so if you need a refresher, go back to that page.
The Arnold Press, named after Sage’s idol, is a new move in this program. To begin, sit up straight on the bench with the dumbbells on your knees. Then kick the weights up from your knees to exactly under your chin with an underhand grip (knuckles facing out) (knuckles facing out).
Then, at the top of each rep, press the weights above your head while twisting them so you’re holding them in an overhand grip (knuckles facing in), then reverse and bring them back to the start. These are a small variation on the regular shoulder press, but they are more difficult, so choose your weights appropriately.
2. Upright Row – Progressive Set
Body beast bulk shoulders Progressive Sets are organized as follows: a set of 15 reps with lightweight, a set of 12 reps with medium weight, a set of 8 repetitions with heavyweight, all with no rest in between. After that, you’ll have a little break. After the break, repeat the set in reverse, with no rest in between, for a total of 15 reps, 12 reps, and 8 reps. The workout is the same as in Build Shoulders: EZ Curl Bar Upright Rows.
3. Super Set – Plate Twist-Twist & Alternate Front Raise
In this Super Set, there is no Drop Set, and each of the Plate Twist-Twist sets is 10 repetitions (so no 15, 12, 8 for that exercise). Begin the Alternating Front Raise by sitting erect on your bench and holding the dumbbells by your sides. Then, with one arm, execute a front raise by raising the dumbbell in front of you to eye level (arm straight) while maintaining your other arm extended (not bent). Return to the beginning position and do the opposite side. Each set of two reps counts as one rep.
This Super Set does not include a Drop Set, and each Plate Twist-Twist set is 10 repetitions (so no 15, 12, 8 for that exercise). Begin by sitting erect on the bench with the dumbbells by your sides for the Alternating Front Raise. Then, with one arm extended, execute a front raise by bringing the dumbbell up in front of you to eye level (arm straight) (not bent). Rep on the opposite side with that arm. A rep is defined as a two-rep combination.
4. Reverse Fly – Single Set – Progressive Set
Here’s our second Progressive Set of the day, and be prepared to be humiliated by the finish, as these Reverse Flys get virtually difficult. Set up your bench with an inclination. Hug your legs around the bench while laying your torso on it (same position as Dumbbell Scap Traps from Build: Shoulders). While holding dumbbells, open your arms to 180 degrees on your sides. Maintain a small bend in your elbows throughout the workout. This is a reverse chest fly that strikes your back delts, as the name suggests.
5. Super Set — Plank Twist-Twist and Superman Stretch
In this Super Set, we execute a set of 10 Superman Stretches, followed by a 30-second burnout of Plank Twist-Twist with no rest. After a brief interval, we repeat 10 Superman Stretches, followed by a 30-second burnout of Plank Twist-Twists to complete the primary workout.
Begin the Superman Stretch by assuming the Cat Stretch posture (on the floor with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders). Then, for each rep, extend one arm in front of you and the opposing foot in behind. Both your arm and leg should be the same height. One rep is completed by doing each side once.
This truly focuses on your lower back. Begin in plank position, with your feet together, for the Plank Twist-Twist. Then, while twisting your body, draw your knee in towards the opposite elbow.
However, do not bring the knee to the elbow; instead, bring it in half and return to plank. Repeat on the opposite side. This should be a quick move, so try to get some momentum going.
Rest Time
This cooldown has a duration of 1:11 and is quite comparable to the Build Shoulder cooldown.
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Hey, y’all! I’m Akshay!
I’m SO excited you’re here! I’m super passionate about nutrition and specialize in teaching others how to lose weight through healthy, low-carb eating along with Yoga and exercises. Here at Yourfitnessgoal, we believe in quality over quantity and that diet is EVERYTHING when it comes to your health and well-being. In short, we believe in a Fit and healthy lifestyle.