body beast bulk chest
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Body beast bulk chest: Best chest workout

Focus Body Part

Chest hypertrophy (muscle building) workout

Equipment used

  • Dumbbells
  • Bench (or stability ball)


This body beast bulk chest is a fantastic workout and a terrific way to start the Bulk phase. It takes roughly 20 minutes less than Build Chest and Tris, but it’s now all about the chest. If your chest doesn’t feel like it’s about to explode by the conclusion of this, you’re doing something wrong. During the Bulk phase, there is even less rest, so you may complete 253 reps plus a 30-second ab burnout in under half an hour.

The Exercises

A warm-up in this body beast chest workout precedes five sets of the main workout, which include a Super Set, a Force Set, a Progressive Set, a Combo Set, and a Multiset.


Because the warm-up is only 2:21 long, make the most of it. It’s the identical warm-up as Build Chest and Tris, with the exception that you begin by jogging. After that, you do arm circles, first forward and then backward. Following the circles, we perform a technique in which we rotate our elbows back to 90 degrees and rotate our hands up to our ears, then back down to our chest. Then you get down on the floor and do a set of close-grip push-ups, then conventional push-ups, and finally wide push-ups. Each set of push-ups lasts roughly 15 seconds. After then, the warm-up concludes with quicker jogging.

body beast bulk chest
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Set – 1 – Incline Dumbbell Fly & Incline Dumbbell Press (Super Set)

The Super Sets in Body Beast is structured as follows: a set of 15 reps with a lightweight of exercise 1, followed by a set of 15 reps with a lightweight of activity 2, followed by a short break. Then execute a set of 12 reps with a medium weight of exercise 2, followed by a set of 12 reps with a medium weight of exercise 2, no rest, a set of 12 reps with a medium weight of exercise 2, and a short rest. Finish with a set of 8 reps with the heavyweight of exercise 1, followed by a set of 8 reps with the heavyweight of exercise 2 with no break in between.

Set – 2 Force Set – Rotational Chest Press

The Force Sets in Body Beast bulk chest workout are structured such that you execute 5 sets of 5 reps with the same weight without ever putting it down. Each set has a 5-10 second rest period during which you must hold the weight up. The Flat Dumbbell Chest Push with Rotation is a flat dumbbell press that begins with the dumbbells in hammer position (fists facing out). Then rotate your hands so that your fists are facing you as you press them up.

Set – 3 Incline Press – Progressive Set

The Progressive Sets in Body Beast are structured as follows: a set of 15 reps with lightweight, followed by a set of 12 reps with medium weight, followed by a set of 8 reps with heavyweight, all with no rest in between. After that, you’ll have a short break. After the rest, repeat the set in reverse, with no rest in between, for a total of 15 reps, 12 reps, and 8 reps. The exercise is the same as set 1, however, because of the Progressive Set, you’ll probably require lighter weights.

Set – 4  Close-Grip Press to Fly ( Combo Set)

In Body Beast, a Combo Set is essentially a Single Set in which the exercise is two movements combined into one. The set is structured as a 15-rep set with light weights and a short rest in between. Then a 12-rep set with medium weights followed by a short break. Lastly, an eight-piece set of hefty weights. Grip Press to Fly entails performing a Close Grip Press, followed by a Chest Fly, and then returning to the Close Grip Press, and so on. One rep is equal to each combo.

Set -5 Decline Push-Up, Cobra to Airplane, and Russian Twist

In Body Beast’s MultiSet, you alternate between workouts. So, in this scenario, you’ll complete 15 Decline Push-Ups followed by 10 Cobra to Airplanes with no break in between (from Build Back and Bis). After a short pause, perform a set of 12 Decline Push-Ups, followed by 30 seconds of bodyweight Russian Twists with no rest. Russian Twists, which are identical to the Mason Twist from P90X, are a staple in Beast Abs. You sit in a C-sit position and twist your obliques from side to side, bringing your elbows to the ground on each side. Take a short pause after the Russian Twists before ending the session with an 8 rep set.


Using your bench or ball, stretch your chest and shoulders for 1 minute and 40 seconds.

Body beast bulk chest is an excellent session that will slap the beef on your chest. It’s all about making small, persistent improvements. Continue to progress and gain!

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Ref: – Body Beast – Bulk Chest | H-man Fitness

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