body beast bulk arms
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Body beast bulk arms: Best arms workout

Below are the details to body beast bulk arms workout you can try and follow if you like:

Equipment used

  • Dumbbells
  • Bench (or stability ball)
  • EZ Curl Bar with Weighted Plates (recommended)

Focused muscle

Hypertrophy (muscle growth) routine for the biceps and triceps


We only worked triceps with chest and biceps with back in the Build Phase, thus there was no separate arm workout. For me, this body beast bulk arms workout is a lot of pleasure. It is less tough than some of the others because you are not training major muscle groups. However, in the end, your arms will be aching.

This isn’t like past Body Beast routines, where we break the program in half and focus on one muscle group before moving on to the next. Instead, we rotate between biceps and triceps in this workout. There are three Progressive Sets and a Force Set in this workout, giving you a lot of reps (461 plus a 30-second ab burnout).

Exercises to be done

This workout includes a warm-up, 7 sets of the main workout, a Progressive Set for biceps, a Single Set for triceps, a Force Set for biceps, a Single Set for triceps, a Progressive Set for biceps, a Progressive Set for triceps, a Progressive Set for triceps, a Progressive Set for triceps, and a Single Set for Abs.

body beast bulk arms
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Warm-up needed

Because the warm-up is just 2:24 long, make the most of it. You begin this amazing body beast bulk arms workout warm-up with a gentle jog. After that, you do arm circles, first forward and then backward. Following the circles, we grab our light dumbbells and perform a few reps of each of the following exercises: straight bicep curls, broad bicep curls, hammer curls, and tricep extension (using 1 dumbbell). After that, the warm-up concludes with high knee jogging.

Set 1 – Standing Curl (Progressive Set)

The Progressive Sets in Body Beast are structured as follows: a set of 15 reps with lightweight, followed by a set of 12 reps with medium weight, followed by a set of 8 reps with heavyweight, all with no rest in between. After that, you’ll have a little break. After the break, repeat the set in reverse, with no rest in between, for a total of 15 reps, 12 reps, and 8 reps. Standing bicep curls are what this workout is all about.

Set 2 – Single Set (Tricep Extenstion)

Single Sets in body beast bulk arms workout are structured as follows: a set of 15 repetitions with little weight, followed by a short break. After that, you execute a set of 12 repetitions with medium weight and take a little break. Finish with an 8-rep set with a heavyweight. If there is a Drop Set, as there is in this case, you immediately follow the last set with another set of 8 repetitions with less weight, with no rest in between. Despite the fact that they have the same name as the Tricep Extension in Build: Chest and Tris, these Tricep Extensions are a completely distinct workout. 

You, on the other hand, only use one dumbbell and are seated. Start by sitting on the edge of the bench with the dumbbell resting on your knee, then swinging it behind your head with both hands. As you stretch the weight up and down, maintain your chest high and your core tight while moving nothing except your arms. Throughout the action, keep your elbows in one location and your arms firm.

Set 3 – Force Set (Wide EZ Bar Curl)

The Force Sets in Body Beast are structured such that you execute 5 sets of 5 repetitions with the same weight without ever putting it down. Each set has a 5-10 second rest period during which you must hold the weight aloft. The Wide EZ Bar Curl is similar to a conventional standing bicep curl, only we’re doing it with the EZ Bar Curl with a wide grasp on the bar. Make careful to concentrate on progressively lowering the bar to get a good sense of the burn.

Set 4 – Skull Crusher (Single Set)

Another normal Single Set, this time with a Drop Set at the conclusion. The only difference is that we’re utilizing the EZ Curl Bar instead of the Tricep Extensions we performed in Build: Chest and Tris. Lay down with your arms extended straight in the air, holding the bar with an overhand grip (knuckles facing you).

Lower your hands to your brow and then extend them back up for each rep. During the workout, squeeze your elbows against your chest and make sure you’re targeting your triceps rather than your chest. I strongly advise using a little weight for this exercise since if you lose control, the bar might fall on your head and inflict serious injury.

Set 5 – Hammer Curl (Progressive Set)

For this Progressive Set, we start with the right arm and work our way up (15, 12, 8, 8) before switching to the left arm and repeating the process. We take a short break before beginning the reverse progression (8, 12, 15) on the right and finishing on the left.

The Hammer Curls are performed while seated with your legs stretched apart and your weighted arm’s elbow resting just inside your knee. Hammer Curls are performed by bringing the weight up to your chin and holding it in your hand like a hammer. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your chest upright throughout the exercise, without shifting your elbow.

Set 6 – Tricep Kickback (Progressive Set)

We execute the whole progression up (15, 12, 8, 8) with the right arm for this Progressive Set, just like the Hammer Curls, and then repeat with the left arm with no rest. We take a short break before beginning the reverse progression (8, 12, 15) on the right and finishing on the left. Tricep Kickback is the same workout we practiced in Build Chest and Tris.

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