If you are looking for weight lose zero-calorie foods then you have come to the right place.
You must be thinking like…Do I have to eat salad all day long?
Well, the answer is no, absolutely not…
Let’s dig into it…
What makes a food a ‘zero calorie food’?
By zero calories it doesn’t mean that those foods don’t contain any calories, they do but
with very few numbers.
However, the energy consumed by the body to eat and digest these foods will lead to a negative calorie yield.
So, overall these foods do contains some calories but our body burns out many calories while digestion and hence is termed as zero-calorie food.
That’s how our body heats up while burning food and this process of burning more calories then the actual food contains is known as ‘thermogenesis’.
Amazing, right?
So, if you are following a weight loss diet then you need to make sure that you should add
more of these foods to your diet to fill up your stomach and at the same time have
control on your calories.
Things needed to check while selected zero calorie foods for weight loss :-
- The food must be under 100 calories per 1 cup serving.
- Food must be filled with full of antioxidants and vitamins.
Now, let’s know what are those zero calories foods for weight loss …

Broccoli’s are a great source of healthy fibers and it can lower the risk of
Broccoli is a green vegetable and consist of many vitamins like Vitamin C,
Vitamin D, and Vitamin K .
It provides the benefit of lowering inflammation and contains a little amount of protein
in it.
Broccoli helps in detoxifying the body and reducing stress.
The best way to serve broccoli can be steamed, roasted, blanched, and can be paired with
any food.
Calorie per cup – 30 cal.

Zucchini is a green type of side dish.
Zucchini has its benefits as they are a great source of fiber and magnesium.
Also, they contain many nutrients which help in fighting many forms of cancer.
They are low-calorie food items and can also make a great replacement for pasta.
Calories per cup – 21 cal.

Apples contain many antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and pectin (which has been
shown to reduce hunger) and is known to be one of the healthiest fruits of the planet.
You can eat an apple in between breakfast and lunch as a snack to reduce the hunger.
It is an important fruit to be considered while following a weight loss low calorie diet.
Calories per cup – 57 k/cal.

Grapefruits are one of the most nutritious and delicious fruits on our planet.
They are low in calories and often served in breakfast.
However, you can take it any time as a snack as well along with salad or some yogurt.
Grapefruits are known for there anti-aging antioxidants and help in increasing metabolism
in our body.
Calories per cup – 97 k/cal

Oranges are one of the important foods which contain so many nutrients in it like calcium,
B vitamins, fiber, vitamins C, and vitamin A.
You can eat oranges anytime as a snack or whenever you are working to kill your craving for hunger.
Because of potassium presence, oranges are considered as good for preventing any heart diseases.
They are low-calorie fruits and keep your stomach full and happy.
Calories per cup – 85 k/cal

Watermelon is a great source of low-calorie fruit full of antioxidants.
It’s a very delicious fruit and it’s naturally sweet as well.
Watermelon Is a hydrating fruit and rich in vitamin C.
The best way to eat it is in an evening snack, or take it as a dessert after dinner.
Calorie per cup – 46 cal.

Cucumbers primarily consist of water and fibers as they provide health support to the
the digestive system of the body.
Cucumbers are a source of multiple vitamins b and they are very low in calories as they are refreshing vegetables so usually they are served as salads.
Calorie per cup – 16 cal.

Tomatoes are the most famous and are one of the healthiest food on our planet.
It contains many healthy antioxidants and rich in Vitamin C .
Also, it is found that Tomatoes contain a high concentration of Lycopene in them.
Research has shown that Lycopene shown to fight cancer, inflammation, and heart
You can have tomatoes in Salad or various sauces. Also, it is used in making curries or
vegetable dishes.
Calories per cup – 32 k/cal

Onions are a delicious and very popular vegetable.
They have various benefits some of them shown to and lower your risk of certain cancer,
support bone tissue and lower inflammation.
There are different types of onions available like red, yellow, white, and spring onions.
Although they all taste different and they all are low in calories.
Onions can be eaten raw as a salad or can be cooked in a variety of ways in a weight loss diet.
Calories per cup – 46 cal.

Carrots are one of the popular vegetables.
They are also low-calorie food item and are known to protect eyesight,
because they have high Vitamin A which is necessary for proper
They also rich in antioxidants and are a natural diuretic.
This helps with digestion and keeping the body’s natural inflammation
in check.
Carrots can be served as salads, or cooked with your meals, or can
be taken as a quick snack as they do not have many calories.
Calories per cup – 53 k/cal

Papaya is the most popular fruit and resembles a watermelon.
It is kind of orange in color and has black seeds in it.
Papaya is rich in vitamin A and a good source of potassium.
You can eat it as a snack in between main meals.
Calories per cup – 55 cal.

Cauliflower is yet another green vegetable besides broccoli.
It has a white head and green leaves inside and provides many antioxidants and anti-
inflammatory benefits from its rich stores of Vitamins K and C.
It is also a low-calorie vegetable and is very popular as a substitute for
a high-carb vegetable.
It Can be served as steamed or a side dish, or you can eat it by
making in the main dish as well.
Calories per cup – 25 cal.

Strawberries are the most popular and widely loved fruit on our planet.
They are low-calorie fruits and often used in breakfast dishes and
backed goods.
You can eat strawberries in a salad as well.
It is shown that strawberries include many nutrients which help our body to fight and protect from cancer and heart diseases.
Calories per cup – 50 cal.
White mushrooms

Mushrooms are a type of vegetable which is a kind of fungus.
Mushrooms contain many nutrients in it and most vegans use it as to
replace meat.
You can eat it as a side dish or can cook it in the main dish as well.
Calories per cup – 15 cal.

Lemons are not used to fillup the stomach but it is used along with the food to zest
up the taste of a meal.
Lemons are rich in Vitamin C and do wonders for the digestion system.
It’s one of the low-calorie items to take.
It has a detox agent to cleanse our body from inside and flush the toxins out of the
You can take lemon with a glass of water In the morning as a detox and add some to your meals and salads.
Calories per cup – 61 k/cal
So, from here we have completed all 15 Best zero calories food for weight loss.
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Hey, y’all! I’m Akshay!
I’m SO excited you’re here! I’m super passionate about nutrition and specialize in teaching others how to lose weight through healthy, low-carb eating along with Yoga and exercises. Here at Yourfitnessgoal, we believe in quality over quantity and that diet is EVERYTHING when it comes to your health and well-being. In short, we believe in a Fit and healthy lifestyle.