In general, do you know how many cups of coffee a day are being consumed each year or month?
Well, it’s in billions!
Yes, you read it right.
Billions of cups of coffee are being consumed every year around the globe.
After oil, coffee is stated as the most traded commodity in the world.
Now few of us might be thinking,
Is black coffee good for you?
Is coffee good for you?
If Yes, then why is coffee good for you as what are those coffee health benefits?
We will discuss everything right here…
There are so many reasons because of which coffee is popular that much apart from its delicious taste.
If we talk about health and wellness, there are so many antioxidants and nutrients in coffee which makes it difficult to resist.
NOTE :- Make sure to buy organic coffee from wherever you used to purchase. Thoroughly check before buying about the quality and should be fair traded certified.
Apart from the above benefits of drinking coffee, Coffee also helps in reducing the chances of the body getting affected by any disease. Below are the following proven health benefits of coffee which you should know.

We can say coffee makes you smart as accordingly, it increases the firing of neurons in the brain.
Let’s understand what happens when we consume coffee.
Whenever we consume coffee, then there’s a specific neurotransmitter called adenosine that gets blocked and when it gets blocked, there will be an increase in norepinephrine and dopamine, resulting in increased neuron firing in the brain and a mental surge of brainpower.
It is proven that coffee improves mood, memory, energy level, quick reactions along keeping the brain active.
Coffee burns Fat

This is important for those who are looking to burn their fat and transform themselves from fat to fit.
If you are putting your full efforts into losing weight then you need some additional help as well to burn more fat by burning calories in your daily diet.
For those who might be thinking, Is caffeine bad for you?
Too much of anything does bring you in some trouble.
However, If you take it within limit then caffeine is one of the best ingredients which you can take as a fat-burning supplement.
A study has shown that caffeine does increase or improves metabolism in your body by 3% to 11%.
Alongside, some studies have shown that coffee helps in burning fat by 10%-20% which varies depending upon the body of individuals.
Overall, caffeine is a great way of burning fat by burning extra calories from the body.
Coffee helps fight Ageing

Coffee includes a huge amount of antioxidants which helps in fighting age.
Coffee has a massive effect on free radicals, for those who know about this is better and for those who didn’t…here, let me tell you what it is.
Free Radicals are molecules that are missing electrons and inside a human body, they cause havoc because of which body is more attracted towards diseases or problems like premature aging.
In a study, scientists have found that there are 1000+ antioxidants present in raw coffee beans.
All of these have an amazing impact on the body.
Coffee reduces the risk of cancer

Isn’t that amazing, coffee proved to be able to reduce the risk of cancer.
It helps in lowering liver cancer.
As in studies, it is shown that liver cancer is the most prevalent and leading cancer-causing death worldwide.
Coffee has proved to lower the chances of getting lung cancer by 40% .
That study contains more than 100k members who showed results in lowering the risk of liver cancer
Coffee helps in living longer

So far we already know how many antioxidants a coffee contains which makes it healthier to consume.
As it reduces the risk of having a certain disease and cancer, which makes a coffee lover live longer than a non-coffee consumer.
As a result, there’s no such surprise, in a study coffee has shown that those who consume coffee have lived longer than those who don’t consume.
Coffee contains essential nutrients

A normal cup of coffee contains many nutrients like potassium, magnesium, niacin, pantothenic acid, and many more.
If you detox or want to detox/cleanse your body then coffee can be a good hand for you to go with.
Well If you consume 2 cups of coffee per day then you will be getting many vital nutrients for your body.
Coffee makes a good mood

Depression is a new kind of disease that is spreading more and more these days as we all are aware of it. In India, a lot of people are suffering from depression and it is important to get out of it.
It is shown that coffee does affect mood by relaxing the mind.
In a study, it is shown that those who consume coffee on daily basis have reduced the chances of depression by 20 percent.
However, it is obvious that coffee is not the cure for depression but it does help in lighting the mood by relaxing the mind.
Coffee boosts energy as a pre-workout

It is proven that coffee is one of the best pre-workout supplement to have.
As it boosts workout performance to around 10-20 percent.
Basically what it does is, it frees fatty acids to be released in the bloodstreams to be used as fuel and gives energy during the workout if we consume coffee as a pre-workout.
The best time to take coffee is 20-30 minutes before a workout if you wish to take it as a pre workout drink.
Coffee reduces the risk of diabetes

Now as days many people are suffering from diabetes worldwide and it has become a global problem that has increased significantly.
Those who drink coffee a lot have shown to be healthier and not likely to attract disease than those who do not drink coffee.
As per a study, coffee has shown a 23-50 percent reduction in risk of developing a diabetic disease in a coffee addict individual.
And as with a per cup of coffee, there’s a 5-10 percent of chances to reduce the risk of getting a disease.
Coffee is good for the heart

You must be aware of the heart disease that is there in our society and a lot of people are suffering from such kind of heart problems.
1 out of 4 deaths worldwide is caused due to heart problems.
As we grow by age there are chances of developing a heart problem especially for those who don’t exercise to do yoga to maintain their body.
In a study, it is shown that taking 2 cups of coffee per day daily has reduced the chances of getting a heart problem by 11 percent.
Coffee does make our brain, heart, body, and mood better for sure.
These are some benefits of coffee and from here this article ends, leave a comment if you like this article or if you have any questions. For more information and guidance related to health and fitness follow us on Instagram for daily interesting updates.

Hey, y’all! I’m Akshay!
I’m SO excited you’re here! I’m super passionate about nutrition and specialize in teaching others how to lose weight through healthy, low-carb eating along with Yoga and exercises. Here at Yourfitnessgoal, we believe in quality over quantity and that diet is EVERYTHING when it comes to your health and well-being. In short, we believe in a Fit and healthy lifestyle.